MY CITY//MY STREETS//Elm St, Missouri
Next up on this week's edition of MY CITY//MY STREETS takes us to a street in Excelsior Springs, MO.
My dear friend Amber, and her husband, Scott, have a pretty sweet setup right outside Kansas City, Missouri, but they are both originally from Excelsior Springs. They were middle school sweethearts and then reunited as adults to fall hopelessly in love and have lots of exciting adventures. She just recently dropped a bunch of weight and made a commitment to getting healthy. She looks amazing and she is now one of those people. You know, the incredible people who seem like they can do everything and make the rest of us feel like maybe we should get our butt up and do a burpee or hold warrior 2 while crying. (Plus, she's a WONDERFUL cook!)
Check her out at
Elm St.//Excelsior Springs//Missouri, USA
Elms Blvd is the essence of our hometown (Excelsior Springs, MO). Excelsior Springs use to be a big water resort town. People from all over the United States would come to soak in the mineral springs. Harry S. Truman slipped away to spend a quiet afternoon at The Elms (located in the picture behind us) on election day in 1948. Although most of the springs are no longer operating, The Elms is bustling. It brings people to our small little hometown to get away from the busy city life and allows them to still find some of the charm that remains of Excelsior Springs.