:::It Started from the TOP:::

Recently, I received an email from Mod Cloth asking me to participate in designing an outfit around their Grand Tour Guide Top.

It sounded amusing, and of course the name of the piece alone piqued my interest. I had been reading a book called"The Hotel" by Elizabeth Bowen, while I wrote my last book. "The Hotel" is a story about a group of British people making the "grand tour" of the continent. Needless to say, having written about this topic myself, joyfully read about it in "The Hotel" and scores of other books.... I was inspired.

So I really had to think, what would be a good outfit to pair with this top if I was actually going on the "Grand Tour" of Europe?
Well, a flouncy, floral skirt adds a dressy element but also keeps the ensemble fun.

I'm a huge sucker for colorful scarves... and also for mixing prints. When I saw this sweet little scarf with the graphics of Van Gogh's Bedroom in Arles... I was in love. Because I remember holding onto Terr's hand in the Van Gogh exhibit in Amsterdam and both of wishing we had a little room like that.

Darling little Oxfords with little baby heels keep your tootsies comfortable but still stylish. (If one was REALLY making the grand tour, you would be walking. A lot. A lot. A lot. )

And the vintage-y gold necklace I couldn't resist. I always like a chance to wear a long, dressy necklace over an outfit that is more casual. It gives it a little, je ne sai quoi. Non?

The color choices were hard for me. Honestly. I mostly wear black especially when say, planning for Paris. But when thinking of places like London, Amsterdam, Florence and Capri? These places demand color. And so the florals and the bright yellows were a must.

At any rate, it was fun to make an outfit, with the only downside being that now I will have to buy it because it would look really good on me. 

Be well, xx

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