As we have been figuring out the scheduling for our long(er) trips this year, rifling through our closets to see what we have worth wearing, and generally getting excited for our travel, it became abundantly clear that we were missing some things.
See, last year when we did our Amsterdam/Paris trip, we realized on like day 5 that we had both run out of basics. We were wearing them every day under our sweaters, or around town during the day before we went out at night. Ever since then I have been on the hunt for some well-made, high quality, plain t-shirts that won't break the bank, but go long on style.
Meet Everlane. This company has a really rad philosophy on being up-front with their production costs, the quality of their items and... their shirts are really comfortable. Terrence and I each bought a shirt...and have since gone back and bought...like 4 more a piece. But, we wear them all the time, and we know that they will be easy to pack & simple to style whenever we get where we're going all this year.
Besides, for me, it's the perfect solution to when I want to wear a v-neck...3 days in a row.
Check this link and make an account immediately for free shipping on your purchase.
Everlane: Create Account and SHOP!
Have a great week and be comfortable!
on Alex: Shirt:Everlane//Shorts:homemade cutoffs//flops: Nisolo// Necklace: Mana Culture
on Terrence: Shirts: Everlane//Jeans: Citizens of Humanity//Loafers:Nisolo