Green Grilling: Amsterdam
So... Green Egg Grill. Have you heard of this? The Green Grill & BBQ was our first time.
While in Amsterdam, we had asked our friends about any new, delicious places to eat. The first suggestion we received was the Green Grill & BBQ. At this restaurant, they use a grill that is shaped like a giant green egg to cook...practically everything. Pizzas, meat, fish, vegetables...their whole menu basically. Apparently the Green Egg Grill itself is this contraption based on an ancient design, that grills, bakes and smokes food using insulation and ceramic heating to make outstanding dishes. The restaurant makes the most out of the technology and design, by fusing it with organic, healthy, meats, hearty vegetables, fresh seafood, and then only complements the fare with simple seasonings like fresh lemons, limes or blood oranges to bring out the flavor of the dishes.
The restaurant is located on the second floor of a popular tourist bar in Leidseplein in Amsterdam, but the atmosphere is surprisingly low-key and chill. It was easy for Terrence and I to unwind, have a nice conversation, and enjoy some incredibly tender, delicious, food whilst looking out over the buzzing beer garden below. Throughout dinner we were saying, "If we lived here, we'd eat here every week!" or "Holy moly this salmon is the balls!" things like that. Just tally one more reason Amsterdam is the city of our dreams.
If you have a trip planned to Amsterdam, add this to the "to-eat" list, and then conveniently walk down the stairs and grab a drink, (or 3).
See you back here next week for a recipe and more info on the newest book!