Tour Eiffel

My red TIEKS

Bonjour, and welcome back! As promised, the grandeur of the Eiffel Tower for your pleasure. Last year, we loved having our hotel right on the Champs-Elysees. We loved the hustle and bustle and the close proximity to Laduree. But, we knew when we were planning this year's trip, that we wanted to be near a different Paris landmark, and Terrence was set on the Eiffel Tower. 

The top picture was taken from the window of our room at the hotel. The room was nothing special, but clean, comfortable and with a view like that, it had no need for any other decoration. We slept with the windows thrown completely open every night. Carrying the sounds of the passing cars, and coffee house conversations drifting up in the air. We awoke by the (bright!) sunlight streaming through the windows, and the sight that greeted our eyes upon waking was enough to get us right out of bed. 

We walked and walked and walked. 5 miles, 7miles, 10 miles... every day. But somehow we always ended up at the tower. I do have to say, I owe an enormous thank you to the shoes Terrence bought me for the trip. Without my Tieks, I never would have made it all those days with no foot pain, no rubbed heels and no blisters. Having happy feet definitely makes the trip more enjoyable. I don't like limits on my exploring!

Needless to say, we spent a great deal of time at the Eiffel Tower. Even after climbing to the tippy-top and walking all around and underneath, and gazing at it from all sides, we would still find ourselves wandering to the wide sweeping, greenness of the lawn outside, drinking cool white wine and eating strawberries from Normandy. 

Thinking back, I would guess that my favorite thing that we did the entire time was this. A few macarons, a carton of the sweetest red strawberries you've ever tasted, juicy raspberries and a bottle of crisp white wine, sitting on the grass, and waiting for the lights on the tower to twinkle. And lots of kisses in between. 

Who says you have to spend a lot of money for a good time in Paris? A 7 euro bottle from a nice wine shop, strawberries from the fruit sellers, and a few brightly-colored crispy cookies...and that was the most delicious night we had. 

See you Friday. xx

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