Fried Tomatoes
When I was little I thought that tomatoes were sicky-grossy. Unless they were:
A. Made into Spaghetti Sauce
B. In Catsup form
C. Fried with Italian Breadcrumbs by my daddy, thus camouflaging their tomato-ness
Now, fried tomatoes are not particularly healthy, but they are super easy to make and Dee-freaking-licious.
Italian Breadcrumb Fried Tomatoes
-2-3 Medium Sized tomatoes. I prefer the hothouse ones that are on the little vine at the grocery store, or even better any tomatoes from my dad's garden. (But don't go to my Dad's house to pick the tomatoes yourself. He has two dogs and a gun and doesn't like people to come over without calling first. He says it's "disrespectful to just stop over without calling")
-Some olive oil
-Italian Breadcrumbs. Get the Progresso kind. They are the best. I don't care what other people say, Progresso Italian breadcrumbs are the balls. And make sure they are Italian. Regular breadcrumbs are for amateurs.
-An egg, beaten
-Slice the tomato to desired thickness. I like them about half an inch, so they are meaty, but not too thick. (that's what she said)
-Dip slices in egg, then breadcrumbs
-Place slices in heated oiled skillet and cook each side for about 3 minutes. Breadcrumbs should be toasted brown on both sides.
-Eat with Abandon.
That's it. And seriously, stay the F out of my Dad's garden.