Starlight Symphonies Sails Again!
The book about sailing on Great on SALE. Get it? Isn't that über punny?
Anyway, I am delighted to announce that Starlight Symphonies of Oak & Glass has been chosen for the Fussy Librarian Newsletter. As a result, the Kindle Version is once again, for a limited time, 99 cents.
Click the link to read the wonderful reviews, peruse the blurb and ultimately BUY this entertaining book of swashbuckling, history, romance, murder, fantasy and folklore.
Click the link below!
Starlight Symphonies of Oak & Glass on
Also, BONUS, as I recently finished writing my upcoming release The Library of Panopticon, (publishing date of April 31, 2015) I am currently working on the second book in the Starlight Series. I have decided that Starlight Symphonies will be part one of a three part trilogy. So, get reading!