I Want My Mommy! HMD!

Happy Mother's Day y'all! One of the hardest things for Terrence and I is not being able to be with our mommies on Mother's Day. We both live so far away from our families that it really is difficult to even consider sneaking off for the weekend. 

However, this year (and most years) I make a calendar as a gift. I go on shutterfly, upload a bunch of pictures, find some good quotes, and create a calendar for my mom, my stepmom and his mom. That way, they can see our smiley obnoxious faces all year long.

Seriously though, for better or worse, so much of who we are we owe to our mothers. Lucky for Terrence and I, we were raised by some pretty amazing, hardworking, generous, caring ladies. And they all look phenomenal. Seriously. If there is one thing I have learned from all three of them, it's that there is no excuse to give up on yourself as you get older. I know for a fact my stepmother could beat me in a race and water-ski circles around me, and my mom could out-walk me into next week. (She used to call me 'gramma' when I was growing up on account of how much slower my pace was than hers.)

So thank you to the lovely women in our lives, for making us who we are. 
Call, hug, love the important mothers in your life today (even if they're not your own!)
Be loved xx

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