:::Sweater Weather:::
Houston weather jumps up and down. It's nice when it cools down a little for a while, and we get to enjoy pulling on our sweaters, jeans and boots. Besides the few days where it's cold enough to wear them, they usually just sit in the closet and wait for us to go to Paris or something where they are definitely needed.
Terrence and I were on our way to an art fair when we realized it was the first real "sweater weather" day we'd had. So, we posed for a couple shots in front of Winter St. Studios in Houston, and had a little "manufactured experience" photoshoot.
(sometimes he looks so handsome, I just have to document it.)
So, wherever you are, shivering away, wishing it wasn't SO cold, know that we are down here in Texas, wishing we were in your (faux) fur-lined boots enjoying many cold days.
On Alex:
Sweater:ALL SAINTS//
Jeans: Abercrombie//
On Terrence:
Thermal:Lucky Brand//
Loafers:Cole Haan//
xx Keep Warm