A Few Lovely Thoughts

Above, you find the place that is more like home to me than any other. I confess to having a gypsy soul, and to never like being in any one place for too long. It makes me feel...trapped. But, Amalfi is always a place that I feel like I can do anything, be anything, have anything, achieve anything. It is a wonderful, miracle, marvel of sunlight and smiles. Do you have a place like that? I hope so.

In a matter of a week we are once again travel bound, and this time for Paris. Before any adventure I find myself reflecting back on trips of the past and the growing excitement for future journeys. I thought this pink-tinted dream of the coast might get y'all in the mood for a little world exploration of your own. Some lovely thoughts to start your weekend.

If not now, when?

I wish I could have bottled that year like a wine. I would get drunk on it every night.

This moment will never exist again, I make love to it as I kiss it goodbye-Thoreau

The world only exists on your eyes. You can make it as big or as small as you want- F. Scott Fitzgerald

Have a marvelous weekend, xx

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