4 Years
4 years ago today, we met and fell in love in one night.
I don't want this to be cheesy, but let me say that of all the successes I have had in my writing, or he has had in his career, nothing holds a candle to a mostly happy marriage.
My grandma once told me, that the secret to marriage was to find someone you could tolerate the best. And I think that is absolutely true. There are periods of insane happiness, times of romantic kisses, but there are also long car rides and sick days and WHY CAN'T YOU HANG UP YOUR OWN PANTS? THIS IS A HANGER, YOU PUT YOUR PANTS ON IT. And tired days, and too much time on the computer days and I don't know if I ever want to have kids but I have all of their names picked out, but I don't actually want one, and if you want one so much then you get a uterus and have one, and now you changed our mind because you saw a baby at Target that looked like a demon. And there's all the little things in between.
I love you, you love me, we're a happy family. Sending love to all you readers, and hope you have someone worth tolerating. xx